Privacy Policy

At Blue Harbour Recruitment, we maintain the highest standards and norms in terms of the privacy of our clients, candidates, and visitors.

We are committed to maintaining customer privacy and security of personal data to ensure a safe and secure user experience. Here are the details of how we receive and use the data we receive:

Blue Harbour Recruitment’s Data Policy

Data Collection

Blue Harbour Recruitment collects personal data in the recruitment process. This data includes candidates’ personal details, work, and educational background. We collect only the necessary data that is essential to complete the recruitment process.

Data Sharing

Our recruiting agents do not share or sell any personal information to third-party individuals or organizations. If clients from a third-party organization use our services to hire candidates, the clients take responsibility for the security and privacy of the data.

Data Security

We strictly maintain the highest security for the data we receive and collect. Only related staff have access to the data to process and help with the provision of our services and in particular, the recruitment process.

Modification Rights

Blue Harbour reserves the right to modify the terms of this Privacy Policy as necessary. You will receive email notifications about any changes or modifications, including whether the changes require the use of your data.

Data Removal

We have the right to hold your data for 12 months after it was last used under the Employment Agencies Act. If these 12 months of data fulfil the needs or have no use, we will give you the option of whether you want to keep or remove data from our database. If we do not find any response or indication from you, we will archive your data.

Blue Harbour Recruitment’s cookie usage policy

Blue Harbour Recruitment uses “cookies” to enhance user experience. A cookie, stored on the user’s devices, allows us to have preferences and settings and helps to analyze the performance of our websites and services. They also allow us to identify devices upon return visits to enhance experience and website usage. You’ll be notified and have the option to accept or reject cockies from your browser. You can also disable cookies in your browser settings, but you may not have access to the full features and functions of some sites if you do it.

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